Celebrating theatre in the Granite State
New Hampshire Theatre Alliance
The adjudication system is at the core of the NH Theatre Awards, and our Liaisons and Adjudicators are an essential part of this system!
Several steps are involved in the adjudication process:
Adjudicators are trained in scoring, critique and commentary skills
A random selection process assigns Adjudicators to submitted productions
Adjudicators submit ballots judging multiple aspects of a production
Ballots are submitted, and a tabulation formula calculates the award recipient
Liaisons are representatives of their affiliated theatre company to the NHTA. They are the direct communication link between the NHTA and their company.
An Adjudicator reviews, judges, critiques, and scores performances of productions submitted by participating NHTA member companies. You do not need to be affiliated with a theatre company to be an Adjudicator. There are two types of Adjudicators: Primary and Back-Up.
To become a NH Theatre Awards Liaison or Adjudicator, you must attend an official NH Theatre Awards adjudication training session. This training is mandatory for all participating Liaisons and Adjudicators; the only exception to this rule is when a returning Adjudicator is deemed exempt from training by the ballot proctoring team. Exemptions are communicated to Adjudicators when training information is announced.
Annual NH Theatre Awards adjudication training dates, locations, and times are typically posted by late October each year. Watch the homepage and our social media for information.
Liaisons and Adjudicators can access the adjudication website at the blue button above.